Good day everyone and praise the Lord for another day and another chance to grow in the walk of faith. I was asked a question by a resent convert to Christianity about the...
Glenn’s Meal 01-12-14
Good day everyone. This is the day the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it. I was sitting and taking inventory of how far the Lord has brought me...
Glenn’s Meal 01-11-14
Good day everyone. This is the day that the Lord has made. I will rejoice and be glad in it. I’m pushing forward on the strength given by the Holy Ghost today because...
Glenn’s Meal 01-10-14
Good day everyone. I have some questions for you. Are you a good friend? Do you surround yourself with those who are encouraging and loving? Can you accept the truth from those who...
Glenn’s Meal 01-09-14
Good day everyone. As I sat down to begin this message my spirit began to leap for those who have had prayer requests coming to me because they are in a place that...
Glenn’s Meal 01-08-14
Good day everyone and praise the Lord at all times. As I sat in prayer and waiting for the inspiration for this message, I just kept getting “praise”. Just think of the last...
Glenn’s Meal 01-07-14
Good day everyone. I sit here this morning with a smile on my face even though I’m going through a rough time with frozen pipes in my kitchen due to the deep freeze...
Glenn’s Meal 01-06-14
Good day everyone. Today I’m motivated to share a message that came out of a conversation I had the other evening with one of my spiritual brothers from Texas. He and I were...
Glenn’s Meal 01-05-14
Good day everyone. Oh give thanks unto the Lord for He is good yes He is good and worthy of our praise. Start this day with the assurance that He will never leave...
Glenn’s Meal 01-04-14
Good day everyone. I thank the Lord that I have been awakened to the fact that I am a disciple of Jesus and as such I need to be ready to move in...