Good day everyone. As I sit here the Lord took me back to show me how He put me in some very uncomfortable situations in order to get me to pull even closer to Him in relationship. I have been talking about a relationship with the Father for the last 14 years of my spiritual journey because that is where we are supposed to be as His children.
Father, as I sit here today, looking out my window, I see the snow coming down and coating the trees, forming little icicles along the twigs and branches. How pretty it is…but how dangerous it can be. Branches may split and break, trees may fall; some may recover while others will die. Ice gets heavy and slick and and wreaks havoc on so many things, interrupting power, causing accidents, and so on. So it is with the things of the world. Sometimes things may appeal to our senses, but they bring with them danger that can break hearts, damage relationships, ruin lives, and even result in death. Please help us to remain alert to dangers and snares and be very sensitive to the Holy Spirit each and every day of our lives. Please rescue those who have been overcome by the temptations that beckon, and have fallen. Lord, protect us and lift us up. Thank you for staying close and being there, ready to reach out and grab us whenever we look up to you and cry out. May we keep our focus on you and live our lives accordingly. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.
Let’s eat.
“He reveals the deep things of darkness and brings deep shadows into the light” (Job 12:22).
One of the great mysteries of the Kingdom is how God uses the darkest times in our lives to reveal greater depths of understanding of His ways. The only way we can receive these deeper things is to be driven to the depths of darkness. You might be thinking that God doesn’t work like that but it’s in the darkness that we discover important truths that He plans to use in our lives and the lives of others around us.
There is a process God uses to draw us into greater levels of intimacy. The first phase involves a depth of soul experience that causes great pain in our lives. We seek God for deliverance from the incredible emotional pain this causes. Our primary motivation for seeking God is to get out of our pain. During this time, God meets us in the depths of darkness. We discover that He never left us but is in the midst of the darkness. We develop a new relationship with God. Gradually our motivation turns from removal of pain to love and intimacy with God. This is the place our Heavenly Father desires us to be.
During this season God will make spiritual deposits into your life. Others will be making withdrawals in the future from your life as well. You see, God reveals deep things in darkness that will be revealed in the light.
If we find ourselves in great distress, know that God will bring our deep shadows into the light. The key to our deliverance is becoming satisfied in God. He becomes our all. He is your life. We will know our deliverance is near when our circumstances simply don’t matter to us anymore.
Love the Lord your God with all your soul and see what things He will show you in the deep things of darkness.
What a humbling thought it is, that so often there is earnest prayer in which the desire for our own joy or pleasure is far stronger than many desire for God’s glory. No wonder there are so many unanswered prayers! Here we have the secret. God cannot be glorified when that glory is not the object of our prayers.
Andrew Murray
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James H. Taylor Sr. – Kankakee City News has published my Daily meal message for a decade.