Lesson On Lust 10-02-19

Good day everyone. Rejoice in the Lord always and again I say rejoice. Today as I woke up and waited for what the Lord wanted me to share I started thinking about what’s happening in the world system and how most people are fearful of losing their earthly possessions and others thinking about how they can capitalize on others misfortunes, I got the urging in my spirit for this subject matter. My hope is that someone gets real revelation from this message.

Today’s Prayer

Father, Today I’m thinking of marriages. GOD, You started out putting one man and one woman together to help each other through life and to begin a family to love and nurture and replenish the earth. This is the traditional family as You intended. I pray for those who seek to redefine marriage as any other union, that You will open their eyes and show them the truth. I pray that the Truth will set them free. I pray for couples who are married, that You will anoint their marriages and help them to have good communication and to think of each other’s needs first and to always lift each other up. The world is there to knock us down. Above anyone else, spouses should lift one another up. I pray that my relationships with family and friends will be healthy and will honor You. Thank You, Father, for loving me and accepting me into Your family through the atoning blood of JESUS. In His name I pray, amen.

Let’s eat.


You must not make a treaty of any kind with the people living in the land. They lust after their gods, offering sacrifices to them. They will invite you to join them in their sacrificial meals, and you will go with them. Exodus 34:15

When you see things you desire, do you just have to have them right then and there? Are you consumed with obtaining material possessions? Are your motives for attaining things always based on what makes you happy, leaving little consideration for other people’s wants and needs? If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, you may be operating in lust.


For too long, there has been a misconception that lust relates only to sex. Sexual lust is very common, but there are many different types of lust. Lust can be defined as any overwhelming or intense desire. Excessive eating, out-of-control spending and an unquenchable appetite for pornography are just some of the addictions that people battle each day. The Bible states that men look at the outward appearance, but God looks at the heart (1 Samuel 16:7). When God examines your heart, what does He see?


The root of lust is selfishness, which can also be described as self-gratification. Lust seeks to erode relationships, self-esteem and in some cases, financial wealth. Willpower is often society’s answer to overcoming destructive habits, but as long as people keep GOD on the outside, refusing to seek His help for their problems, they will never experience true freedom.


You have the ability to conquer temptation. Beginning with your thoughts, you can set your mind toward the Word of God and escape lust once and for all. Make a commitment to conquer the addictions in your life. Trust that GOD will release the Holy Spirit to break the stronghold of addiction in your life.

Quote of the Day


How rich is anyone who can simply see human faces.

Corrie Ten Boom






Written by Glenn Sterrett, Founder and CEO of the GCKRS™ Helping Hand Foundation.

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