This is the day the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. Today I’m sharing some things I have learned over the years about obedience, so get ready.
Father, there are days when we are busy with living, snatching little time to praise You and to count our blessings, as we are caught up in our world. Help us even then to pause and realize that this same day may be dark and tragic for someone else. Let us stop and pray that we may be an instrument of Your healing, always mindful of our brother’s needs. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.
Let’s eat.
The Benefits of Obedience
This is what the Lord says-your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel: “I am the Lord your God, who teaches you what is best for you, who directs you in the way you should go.” – Isaiah 48:17
Most of my career has been in Information Technology (computer related) field. Early on, I learned to distinguish the difference between features and benefits. Features represent characteristics of a product or service. Benefits are those things that directly profit or benefit me by using the product or service. For instance, my new computer has incredible speed and lots of memory (feature). This allows me to do things more quickly and easily (benefit). People are more concerned about the benefits than the features.
God tells us in the above verse that there are some direct benefits to the features of His nature. He is a God who is committed to teaching His children in the way they should go. What is the real benefit of His teaching? He answers this in the next verse. “If only you had paid attention to My commands, your peace would have been like a river, your righteousness like the waves of the sea” (Isaiah 48:18).
The Lord tells us that the benefit of allowing God to teach us and lead us in the way is peace and righteousness. Here is a guaranteed promise from God. I often use guarantees in my advertising claims. Here is God’s immutable guarantee: You will have peace like a river and righteousness like the waves of the sea! What a great promise!
Do you trust God with every detail of your life so that He can lead you in the way you should go?
Are you allowing Him to teach you?
Seek the Lord today for what He wants to teach you and allow Him to lead you, and you will ensure peace and righteousness in your life.
Quote of the Day
We might well pray for God to invade and conquer us, for until He does, we remain in peril from a thousand foes. We bear within us the seeds of our own disintegration. The strength of our flesh is an ever present danger to our souls. Deliverance can come to us only by the defeat of our old life. Safety and peace come only after we have been forced to our knees…So He conquers us and by that benign conquest saves us for Himself. ~A. W. Tozer~