Rejoice in the Lord always, and again I say rejoice. He has made transformations in all of our lives. You better praise Him right now. From time to time I venture back in my archives to visit my spiritual walk and see where the Lord had me at the time. I’m going to share a message that I shared for the first time nine years ago to the day. For those of you that have not been around that long it will be fresh manna.
Today’s Prayer
Father, Thank You for the blessing of fellowship with other Christians around the world. To think that we all pray to You, are sealed with the same Spirit, and redeemed by the same Savior; that we are actually “kindred spirits” in Your family, brothers and sisters in Christ, bound by Your love, and saved by Your grace. A dear brother around the world, thousands of miles away and across the ocean, reminded me that we are “sons and daughters of the most high God” and will one day meet there in heaven. What an honor, blessing, and privilege to serve You with him. Bless him and protect him in his ministry, Lord. Bless all my brothers and sisters in Christ as they serve You, God. Thank You in the name of JESUS, Amen.
Let’s eat.
Living a Life of Conviction
For we know, brothers loved by God, that He has chosen you, because our gospel came to you not simply with words, but also with power, with the Holy Spirit and with deep conviction. –
1 Thessalonians 1:4-5
Everyone lives a life of conviction. Whatever we give our greatest time, our greatest energies, and our greatest resources to is a good indication of where our convictions lie. Some live a life of conviction about sports. Some live a life of conviction around pleasure. Still others live a life of conviction about very little that matters at all.
Whenever God chooses to do a deep work in a life, a strong conviction is born of the Holy Ghost. Conversions in the early Church resulted in changed lives that held to a deep, life-transforming conviction regarding what they believed and how they lived out that belief. Paul explains that the gospel they received came not just in words, but also in power, with the Holy Ghost and with deep conviction.
In order to impact the world for Jesus Christ, each of us must be reflecting a faith that is demonstrated through deeply held convictions.
Are you living a life of deep conviction that spurs you on to reflect the power of Christ in your life and the lives of others?
Paul was willing to suffer great persecution for his faith in a living God. God calls each of us to a life that is supernatural, not simply a good, moral life. The early Church understood the role the Holy Ghost played in demonstrating this power of the gospel. It was this deep work that resulted in living the gospel with great conviction. If you are not living the gospel with great conviction, ask the Holy Ghost to so fill your life today that the power of His Spirit is truly reflected in your life so that you may impact others in your sphere of influence.
Bringing this word forth from nine years ago shows that the word of God is true no matter when it is brought forth.
Quote of the Day
We are puzzled and bewildered whenever we see suffering in this world because we have become accustomed to the mercy and the long-suffering of God. Amazing grace is no longer amazing to us.
R. C. Sproul
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James H. Taylor Sr. – Kankakee City News has published my Daily meal message for a decade.