1 090513 Mercy

Praise the Lord for another beautiful day with the chance to serve Him with all our Heart and soul. Please use this opportunity to bring glory to Him.

Today’s Prayer

(Make this a personal prayer)

Dear Lord, “I asked for riches, that I might be happy; I was given poverty that I might be wise.”. As I am forced to deal with the situation in which I find myself, I realize that I have often learned more in poverty, how to relate to more people in need, both physically and spiritually, than I would have if I only associated with wealthy friends. When I suffered unemployment, lack of funds, worry and illness, it was then that I realized that I needed Your help. I needed Your strength, Your encouragement, and the prayers of Christian friends. Through these setbacks, I learned to feel another’s suffering and pain. Oh Lord, in my adversity, You have been my Rock. Help me to encourage others in their times of need, and to share what I have learned, that You are indeed sufficient in times of trouble! In mighty name of Jesus I pray, Amen.

Let’s eat.


And so, dear brothers and sisters, I plead with you to give your bodies to God because of all he has done for you. Let them be a living and holy sacrifice—the kind he will find acceptable. This is truly the way to worship him. Romans 12:1 

Have you ever said to God, “I am here. You can have all there is of me. I present myself as a sacrifice. All my plans, my goals, my so-called possessions—I sacrifice them to you Lord”? Does that seem strange to you? If we are honest with ourselves, there are so many of us that want to take Christianity and tack it onto our regular lives. We want to hold onto our lives, our rights.

A sacrifice in the Old Testament was killed; it had no more plans of its own. On the altar, they had two hooks and those hooks would be put into that sacrifice that was to be burned to hold it on the altar. Do you know what will hold you on the altar? Discipline and devotion will hold you there as a living sacrifice, but most of us don’t want those flesh hooks.

Many will say, “I don’t want to get bound down. I would teach a class, join a church, and make a pledge to the love offering, but I don’t want to get bound down. I want to be free.” No. This is a sacrifice. And what happened to an Old Testament sacrifice was this—it was consumed; it was burnt up. You do not truly worship God until you are consumed.

  • If you are honest with yourself, what are the things you aren’t willing to give up to follow Jesus?
  • Do discipline and devotion to Jesus have a prominent place in your life? Why or why not?

Speak to a person you know who has sacrificed a lot to follow Jesus. Ask that person to share insights about discipline, devotion, and living sacrificially.

Quote of the Day

To pray is to let God into our lives. He knocks and seeks admittance, not only in the solemn hours of secret prayer. He knocks in the midst of your daily work, your daily struggles, your daily grind. That is when you need Him most. ~Ole Kristian O. Hallesby~





Written by Glenn Sterrett, Founder and CEO of the GCKRS™ Helping Hand Foundation.

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