Glenn’s Meal 08-14-13

Good morning everyone. What a wonderful day the Lord has presented us with. My hope is that each and every one of us uses this day to glorify the Lord and let others...

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Glenn’s Meal 08-13-13

Good morning everyone. I am truly blessed this morning. I got a call from one of my Pastor friends from California that confirmed some things I had in my spirit. It’s wonderful when...

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Glenn’s Meal 08-12-13

Good morning everyone. Oh give thanks unto the Lord for He is good yes He is good and so very worthy of all of our praise. We are going to continue on with...

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Glenn’s Meal 08-11-13

Good morning everyone. As I sit here the inner me not the enemy is trying to come up with a way to retaliate to some hurtful words that were spoken about members of...

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Glenn’s Meal 08-10-13

Good morning and praise the Lord for mercy and grace in our lives, regardless of what the situation may look or feel like, He is always in the mist of things. I had...

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Glenn’s Meal 08-09-13

Good morning everyone. Here is a question for all of you; who or what is controlling your life? Answer that within yourself after deep reflection. Boy do I have a word for you...

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Glenn’s Meal 08-08-13

Good morning everyone. I’m sitting here reflecting on a sermon I heard just the other day in which the speaker was giving his position on a very controversial subject and was getting the...

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Glenn’s Meal 08-07-13

Good morning everyone. Oh give thanks unto the Lord for He is good yes He is good. I started this morning thinking about a love one that passed away in a place where...

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Glenn’s Meal 08-06-13

Good morning and welcome to another new day in this journey through the rest of your life on earth. Every day is a fresh start and another step toward who God wants you...

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Glenn’s Meal 08-05-13

Good morning everyone. A few days ago a friend of mine got upset with me for being a blessing to a stranded individual who needed a ride home. My friend is in law...

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