Good morning and praise the Lord for mercy and grace. As I began my study this morning, I heard the word covenant in my spirit so that’s where I went in the bible, to get information on that very subject. Here’s a little something for our souls today!

Today’s Prayer

Lord, You are the vine, and we are the branches. We want to abide in You and You in us, so that we will bear much fruit, for without You, we can do nothing…If we abide in You, and Your words abide in us, we will ask what we desire, and it shall be done for us. We pray that Your desires will be our desires; that Your Word will be held close in our hearts. By this Our Father is glorified, that we bear much fruit, so we will be Your disciples. Thank You for loving us and accepting us as Your children and disciples. We pray that we will always remain full of Your joy and love others as You have loved us. (Based on John 15:5-12). In Your name we pray, amen.

Let’s eat.

Covenant Relationships

My wife and I were talking about what she was studying with her women’s group. She has taken on the responsibility of being a group leader. It’s so fitting that as I was looking for direction this morning, I was led to the following scripture:

But I will establish My covenant with you, and you will enter the ark – you and your sons and your wife and your sons’ wives with you.Genesis 6:18

The Bible is filled with covenants made between God and people. Six of those covenants were made with Old Testament figures: Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, and David. The seventh was made with His own Son, Jesus Christ. God is always the strongest partner in a covenant relationship.

God made a covenant with Noah in order to preserve the human race. This covenant involved Noah’s participation by building an ark. He’d never built an ark before. He’d never had a boat. It was a totally new concept to Noah and the rest of the world. Why would he need a boat in a dry land?

Noah didn’t have to invent the ark; God gave him the plans-in specific dimensional detail. He didn’t have to gather the animals; God led them into the ark. God even closed the door when they all came on board. God made it rain to prove why the ark was needed.

The covenant provided all Noah needed to complete his mission in life. When God spoke to Noah to do this thing, he needed only to respond to God’s call to do it. Noah could rest in knowing the covenant made with God was going to be fulfilled if he fulfilled his part. If you notice in his faithfulness to God, Noah didn’t worry about how things looked to other people. He just did his part to get the job done. Sometimes following what God gives you to do will make you look like you have lost your mind to others who don’t walk in the spirit (and some that do walk in the spirit).

Now here comes the real cool part for us. If you have entered into a covenant relationship with God, you too can be assured that God will uphold His part of the covenant relationship. He is committed to fulfilling His covenant with you and to fulfill His purposes in and through your life. It only requires one thing on your part, obedience. He will even provide grace and faith to you to help you fulfill your part of the covenant.

Each of us has a covenant with God.

We also have entered into covenants with others in our personal and business lives.

How are you doing in fulfilling covenants to others? I’m not looking for you to answer me. Just look in the mirror and answer yourself.

God has given us the example to follow. Ask Him if you have any unfulfilled covenants you need to honor. He has called you and me to be covenant keepers.

The one who calls you is faithful and He will do it (1 Thessalonians 5:24).

Quote of the Day

Whatever man loves, that is his god. For he carries it in his heart; he goes about with it night and day; he sleeps and wakes with it, be it what it may – wealth or self, pleasure or renown. 

Martin Luther





Written by Glenn Sterrett, Founder and CEO of the GCKRS™ Helping Hand Foundation.

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