Thank God for another day. The blessings that He pours out on us are awesome. We are going to the Word to find out what it has to say about holding on with faith. I have shared this message in the past and today just seemed like a another time to share. Let it bless you.

Today’s Prayer

Father, thank You for Your comforting promise that You will never leave nor forsake us. In times like today, we need that assurance. You are our Rock and our Salvation. We trust You, even when we feel like we can’t trust anyone else. We look up to You, because we know You will always be there for us, even if the whole world forsakes us. Thank You, so much, for Your love and dependability. You are awesome! With love and appreciation in our hearts, we thank you. In the matchless name of Jesus we pray, Amen.  

Let’s eat.

Faith and Endurance

James 1:2-13

2 Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. 3 For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. 4 So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing. 5 If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking. 6 But when you ask him, be sure that your faith is in God alone. Do not waver, for a person with divided loyalty is as unsettled as a wave of the sea that is blown and tossed by the wind. 7 Such people should not expect to receive anything from the Lord. 8 Their loyalty is divided between God and the world, and they are unstable in everything they do. 9 Believers who are poor have something to boast about, for God has honored them. 10 And those who are rich should boast that God has humbled them. They will fade away like a little flower in the field. 11 The hot sun rises and the grass withers; the little flower droops and falls, and its beauty fades away. In the same way, the rich will fade away with all of their achievements. 12 God blesses those who patiently endure testing and temptation. Afterward they will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him.

Quote of the Day

Faith is rest, not toil. It is the giving up all the former weary efforts to do or feel something good, in order to induce God to love and pardon; and the calm reception of the truth so long rejected, that God is not waiting for any such inducements, but loves and pardons of His own goodwill, and is showing that goodwill to any sinner who will come to Him on such a footing, casting away his own poor performances or goodnesses, and relying implicitly upon the free love of Him who so loved the world that He gave His only-begotten Son. ~Horatius Bonar~






Written by Glenn Sterrett, Founder and CEO of the GCKRS™ Helping Hand Foundation.

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