Praise the Lord for mercy and grace. Some days as I wake up, things hit my spirit and I share them with all of you. What you are about to get today, knocked me to my knees because it just became clear to me again. Many of us are going through rough times. If you are saying to yourself: not me, then your better check out what camp you’re in. Let the message of the day be a blessing to you.
Today’s Prayer
Father, Thank you for all the children in the world. Every one is precious, a heritage and gift from You. We pray for protection, guidance, good health, loving families, positive role models, and many blessings upon these children; So many are mistreated. Others are covered in love. Some are spoiled, others have nothing–not even bare necessities. Please reach out and touch them all, and meet every need in the way You see best. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.
Let’s eat.
Death Works in You
We do not want you to be uninformed, brothers, about the hardships we suffered in the province of Asia. We were under great pressure, far beyond our ability to endure, so that we despaired even of life. Indeed, in our hearts we felt the sentence of death. But this happened that we might not rely on ourselves but on God, who raises the dead. ~ 2 Corinthians 1:8-9
Have you ever gone through a very difficult time in your life? These times make us value life. They make us appreciate the simple things that we took for granted before the crisis. When we are restored from such a trial, it is as though we have been given a new beginning. We can place a greater value on what we had before and use it for God’s purposes. Perhaps for the first time we can identify with others who find themselves in a similar trial.
I recall having an attitude of superiority quite a few years back over those who went through a difficult financial crisis. I had a successful career and adequate finances. Because I had never experienced any financial crisis in my adult life, this pride kept me from identifying with such people. Then the Lord brought such a trial into my life. I have learned and I’m still learning a great deal during these periods. I’ve learned that the world and even Christians often treat such people as lepers. Like I used to be, they don’t know how to relate. Now, I appreciate the little things that I never would have valued without these trials. The experiences have taught me greater dependence and faith in the provision area of my relationship with God.
When God brings death to one area of life, he resurrects it in a new way. Death works in us to bring new life and new perspectives. These are designed to press us forward in ways that we never would have moved without the experience. God knows how much this is needed in our lives to gain the prize He has reserved for each of us. It is His strategic mercy that motivates Him to bring such events into our lives. Press into Him, learn of Him, and rely on Him.
Quote of the Day
A grateful heart is one that finds the countless blessings of God in the seemingly mundane everyday life. ~Anonymous~