Good morning everyone. Oh give thanks unto the Lord for He is Good, Yes he is good! Today as we pay homage to the greatest civil rights advocate who ever took a breath (Martin Luther King), there are never enough words to pay proper respect to him and his legacy. We can only keep striving to make his dream a reality in our lifetime. Moving forward with the spiritual business of today; This is a question that hit my spirit so I will ask it of all of you. Have you hardened your heart in any area of your life? We are going to be presented with the fact that under the old covenant, God dealt harshly with those that continued to defy Him. The bible tells us the story of Noah and his family being spared of God’s wrath when He wiped out the world with a flood in order to cleanse it of the stench to His nostrils. But as you will see in the meal today, God soften His heart in His covenant with Noah.
Father, I come before you this day on behalf of my brothers and sisters in Christ to ask that You would remind us that neither Satan nor You can work within us against our will. You gave us “free will” and the choices are ours, aren’t they? Oh Lord, let us choose You, and Your way, EVERY TIME we make a choice. Help us, for we are often weak. Please guide us to Your way. I ask this and all things in the wonderful name of Jesus, Amen.
Let’s eat.
Genesis 9:1-17
Gods Covenant with Noah
God blessed Noah and his sons and told them, “Multiply and fill the earth. All the wild animals, large and small, and all the birds and fish will be afraid of you. I have placed them in your power. I have given them to you for food, just as I have given you grain and vegetables. But you must never eat animals that still have their lifeblood in them. And murder is forbidden. Animals that kill people must die, and any person who murders must be killed. Yes, you must execute anyone who murders another person, for to kill a person is to kill a living being made in God’s image. Now you must have many children and repopulate the earth. Yes, multiply and fill the earth!” Then God told Noah and his sons, “I am making a covenant with you and your descendants, and with the animals you brought with you–all these birds and livestock and wild animals. I solemnly promise never to send another flood to kill all living creatures and destroy the earth.” And God said, “I am giving you a sign as evidence of my eternal covenant with you and all living creatures. I have placed my rainbow in the clouds. It is the sign of my permanent promise to you and to all the earth. When I send clouds over the earth, the rainbow will be seen in the clouds, and I will remember my covenant with you and with everything that lives. Never again will there be a flood that will destroy all life. When I see the rainbow in the clouds, I will remember the eternal covenant between God and every living creature on earth.” Then God said to Noah, “Yes, this is the sign of my covenant with all the creatures of the earth.”
The problem with prayer is heightened by the fact that people often succumb either to the extreme of all form and no freedom, or the opposite extreme of all freedom and no form. The first extreme leads to a rote or impersonal approach to prayer, while the second produces an unbalanced and undisciplined prayer life that can degenerate into a litany of one ‘gimme’ after another.
Kenneth Boa
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