Good morning everyone. I was sitting here in my secret place thinking back on the recent past when I followed what the Lord put in my spirit and not the popular advice that I was getting from the traditional people around me. Though things didn’t go well for my popularity, God got the glory out of the situation. In these times I draw on scripture to show myself that I had examples to follow. Let’s get ready for the message.

Today’s Prayer

Father, You are love. Your Word tells me that; experience shows me that. I remember singing the children’s song, “Praise Him, Praise Him, all ye little children, God is love, God is love…” Yes, You are worthy of our praise and honor. Whether I feel down and out, unloved; or if I’m going through trials and tough times; or when I’m happy, prosperous, and “on top of the mountain,” Your love reaches me. Your presence surrounds me and brings me warmth, contentment, and peace. Thank You, Father, so much for that. In Jesus’ name I pray and give You praise, Amen.

Let’s eat.

Going Against Public Opinion

“On the eighth day they came to circumcise the child, and they were going to name him after his father Zechariah, but his mother spoke up and said, ‘No! He is to be called John.’ They said to her, ‘There is no one among your relatives who has that name.'” (Luke 1:59-61).

Have you ever had to go against public opinion or advice from family members or peers? As I searched through scripture that fit what I had gone through in the situation I explained earlier, I was lead to this situation; Elizabeth gave birth to John the Baptist. It was time to name the child. Tradition said the name would be in honor of a family member. The family members were insistent. When Elizabeth didn’t agree with them, they appealed to Zechariah who supported Elizabeth. Zechariah and Elizabeth were told by the angel Gabriel the name was to be “John.” They were being obedient to the Lord’s command which went against tradition and public opinion.

We live in a day when leaders are often driven more by public opinion than what is right. We are each called to live a life based on obedience-based decisions, not public opinion. Living a life of obedience will often go against the tide of public opinion. Jesus lived a life based on a purity of purpose and mission. The Pharisees wanted Him to conform to the rules of religious tradition. The result was He died because He lived to obey an audience of One, not public opinion.

Are you challenged to live a life of conviction versus pleasing others? Be true to what God has called you to do no matter the cost.

Quote of the Day

The death of Christ on the cross was no imitation death or charade. It Is presented to us by the Gospel writers because they want us to face Death, to confront it – so that we will be prepared for real Life! The Hebrews when they were in Egypt were saved from the angel of death and Destruction by marking the door-posts of their houses with the blood of a lamb, so we are marked with the life-giving sign of the cross, stained with the blood of the Lamb of God. The Cross then is the victory sign of every Christian. It is the powerful and defiant banner under which we journey to the safety of our proper homeland, for death has been conquered and Christ has destroyed its fear through the Cross.

David Charlesworth






Written by Glenn Sterrett, Founder and CEO of the GCKRS™ Helping Hand Foundation.

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