Praise God for the wonders of life and authority He bestows on us. Today we are going to be reminded of the authority given to us as his children, so put on your bib and get your utensils ready for this spiritual meal.
Today’s Prayer
Father, I come before you today on behalf of my brothers and sisters everywhere to praise your name and ask that you would help us to seek You early in the morning that our hearts may get their bearings by reading Your Word, and then praying for our country’s leaders and interceding for those in need. Help us to discover Your direction for our day, for fear that You get crowded out of our life’s difficulties and pleasures, and we are left adrift in a sea of our own choosing. I present this and all things to you in the matchless name of Jesus, Amen.
Let’s eat.
Jesus Gives You Authority
“Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.” – Luke 10:19
I was reading Luke chapter 10 when I was reminded by the Holy Spirit of the things we as children of God are given. I did a little research on the word “power” because its repeated in this passage in Luke, but it has two different meanings. The first “power” is from the Greek word “exousia” and it has the meaning of authority. The second “power” is from the Greek word “dunamis” which we get the English word for “dynamite” from.
It’s very clear from reading the scripture that Jesus gives us authority over the force of the enemy. We don’t defeat the devil with strength; we defeat him with authority. Is Satan wiser than us? Yes, with a perverted wisdom. Is he stronger than us? Yes, with a wicked strength. Is Satan more powerful than us? Yes, but we stop him when we stand against him with the authority God has given us. And he knows that.
When we begin to fight our battles, not in our strength, but in God’s strength, then we are going to see Satan begin to cower before us. Now it’s time for us to start exercising the Authority that we possess!
Quote of the Day
Once I knew what it was to rest upon the rock of God’s promises, and it was indeed a precious resting place, but now I rest in His grace. He is teaching me that the bosom of His love is a far sweeter resting-place than even the rock of His promises. ~Hannah Whitall Smith~