Good day everyone. Let us give all praise and Honor to the one who created all things. I told you that I am going to keep showing how the bible tells us that God wants to use the work that we do to glorify Him. Today’s meal is just another illustration of that fact so get ready.
Today’s Prayer
Dear Father in Heaven, we sing praise to you this day. You have carried us through another season. You have blessed us and taken care of us. You have comforted us and guided us. You are our ever-present help. We praise you, God, from whom all blessings flow. We praise you above all heavenly hosts. We praise you Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. You are the greatest. You are magnificent. You are worthy. We love you. In the name of Jesus we offer this praise, Amen.
Let’s eat.
But Master…
Simon answered, “Master, we’ve worked hard all night and haven’t caught anything. But because you say so, I will let down the nets” (Luke 5:5).
I’m going to ask you a question that is going to make some of you uneasy. Have you ever argued with God? I’ve talked a lot lately about God using us for His glory. The bible lets us know that one of the first sermons Jesus ever gave was from a boat. It was Simon Peter’s boat. Jesus used a man’s business to preach the Gospel. However, Peter had to first make his business available to the Master. When he did, something wonderful happened to his business.
You see, Peter’s fishing business was in a slump. They had just fished all night and caught nothing. Nevertheless, Peter made his boat available to Jesus to use as He wished. Jesus used it to preach to the multitudes. After Jesus used Peter’s boat for His purposes, Jesus did something interesting for Peter. He blessed his business. However, Peter almost missed the blessing because he began to argue with Jesus. Peter was looking at the market conditions instead of the instruction of Jesus. Something inside of him made him reconsider Jesus’ instruction. Jesus rewarded his obedience. Here is what the bible says Peter’s reward looked like; “When they had done so, they caught such a large number of fish that their nets began to break. So they signaled their partners in the other boat to come and help them, and they came and filled both boats so full that they began to sink?” (Luke 5:6-7).
We see a number of Kingdom principles we can apply in our work lives from this story.
1) We must be willing to let God use our work life for His purposes.
2) We must not look at circumstances and argue with Him when His instruction seems to contradict what we have seen or experienced already.
3) We must obey the Lord.
When we obey the Lord we might just see Him use us for His glory and bless our obedience.
Quote of the Day
Is it for you to lead Jesus to where you want to go or for Him to lead you where He wants you to be?~Anonymous~