Good day everyone and give thanks unto the Lord for He is good yes He is good. I know that some of us are experiencing hardships but know that we are the children of an awesome father and He will not let more happen to us than we can bare. Hold on to that and you can make it.
Today’s Prayer
Father, I come before you this morning standing in the gap for brothers and sisters everywhere. When we feel helpless, hurt, ridiculed and forsaken, remind us that Jesus felt that way too when he walked the earth. There is really NOTHING that we can ever face that Jesus didn’t experience. If we are prisoners or in bondage to sin, Jesus was that also when He hung on the cross. If we feel helpless when a loved one suffers, or turns away from us, Jesus also knew that sadness when His love was rejected. If there seems to be no one for us in our aloneness, grief or suffering, we should remember that Jesus must have felt deserted, alone and without hope in the Garden of Gethsemane. Father, only You can really understand our problems. What a friend we have in Jesus! We are not alone, are we? Thanks Father, and I ask that You continue to fill our lives with Your glorious presence. In the wonderful name of Jesus I present this and all things, Amen and Amen.
Let’s eat.
Learning To Stand As Christians Should
“Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring you today. ” – Exodus 14:13
As I was doing some reflecting on things that have gone wrong in situations where I felt the Lord had sent me to do a work or to help someone, my spirit was reminded of timing, God’s timing. The bible gives us a great lesson on this topic as it states that the Israelites had just left 400 years of slavery in Egypt. They had fled to the desert, but they had come to a dead end at the Red Sea. Word reached them that Pharaoh had changed his mind. He was sending his troops to recapture the Israelites. They cried out to their leader Moses, complaining that he had brought them that far only to die in the desert.
Learning when to move and when to stand is the greatest challenge for us as believers. We are trained for action. We are not trained to sit idly and wait. We are trained to solve problems, not wait for them to resolve themselves. However, God says there are times to wait. We are to wait until He says go. If we go before He says go, we likely will make our situation worse. If the Israelites had attempted to cross the Red Sea before it parted, they would have drowned. If they had fled north to try to avoid the Egyptians, God would not have moved in a miraculous way. God can’t work on our behalf if we continually try to solve our own problem when He has instructed us to stand still. Standing still is sometimes the greatest action we can do, although it is the most difficult thing to do in our Christian walk. Stand still when He says stand and see the deliverance of the Lord.
Quote of the Day
Eyes that look are common, eyes that see are rare. -J. Oswald Sanders
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