I had a dream in which there were people around me jumping into a hole filled with coins that was supposed to be free for people that were saved, but as I looked closer it was just a way to keep these people from getting to the Father’s blessings. The Lord dropped falling away into my spirit as I woke up so I’m going to share a message for somebody that may be moving away from our Father but first we pray.
Today’s Prayer
Father, I come to you today on behalf of my brothers and sisters in Christ to thank you for being God all by Yourself. Thank you for the Holy Spirit that gives us spiritual discernment. Thank you that you have never changed since the beginning. Please increase our faith. We want to trust you in the little things as well as the big things that are beyond our control. Help us to act like those who believe and trust you in all things, that we may be an example to others. May you be glorified through us and the example we set before others. Thank you, God, for hearing me and answering my prayer. I trust You. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.
Let’s eat.
Jumping into Sin
So he got up and went to his father. But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him. – Luke 15:20
Today I am going to tell a story that is probably very familiar to a lot of us and I’m quite sure I have shared this many times over the years but the Lord has prompted me to share it in a little different way for somebody and I don’t pretend to know who this is for but I will be obedient to the spirit.
There were two young men had worked for many years in their fathers business. One day one of the sons decided he wanted to venture out on his own. He felt that he had been under his dad’s control and teaching long enough. He felt he had learned all he needed to know. He wanted his independence. He wanted to take his stock options early, which would allow enough capital to begin a business on his own. The other son remained behind, working day in and day out, faithfully doing his job for his father.
The first son went out on his own only to find it was more difficult than he had ever imagined. The immediate cash gained from the advance from his father’s business was a temptation that was too great for him. He spent all of the money, fell into sin, and failed to invest it in another business. He failed miserably. Finally, he came crawling back to his dad, seeking to be taken back as a mere laborer. The father took him back with open arms, fully restoring him to his original place. He experienced grace and love in a way he had never known before.
It is a fact that when we desire independence and riches so much that we launch out without God’s full blessing, we can expect to fall on our face. When pride enters our lives, it discourages us from dependence on anyone but ourselves; yet God says that we are to depend on Him alone. If we think we can go it alone, we will fail. On the other hand, in spite of the prodigal son’s failure, he learned a great lesson of grace that he hadn’t known before. This resulted in humility of the heart, which had a lasting impression for the rest of his life. Therefore, God even turns our failures into successes spiritually when we are willing to admit our failure.
Are you jumping into the hole filled with money in order to try and find happiness? Are you falling away from the Father in any area of your life? If you do a heart check and find that you are answering yes to either of these questions, call on the Father and repent for the not trusting Him in everything and He will restore direction and peace to your life.
Quote of the Day
Have you noticed this? Whatever need or trouble you are in, there is always something to help you in your Bible, if only you go on reading till you come to the word God specially has for you. I have noticed this often. Sometimes the special word is in the portion you would naturally read, or in the Psalm for the day,…but you must go on till you find it, for it is always somewhere. You will know it the moment you come to it, for it will rest your heart. ~Amy Carmichael~