The Ultimate Franchise 11-30-18

Praise the Lord for the chance to make another step toward our ultimate goal. On this Friday may you seek His face like never before. We have a job to do so let’s get to it.

Today’s Prayer

Father, First I want to thank You for Your bountiful blessings. I love You! Then I want to ask for protection from the many illnesses floating around. Please protect me, my family, those taking time to read and participate in this devotional time with You, and those who are frail, aged, newborn, or already battling poor health. I pray that You will bless us with good health and keep us from catching the flu or other viruses and even bacterial illnesses as we go into a different season and illness seems more prevalent. Please remind us to eat the right foods, live the right lifestyle, be mindful to wash our hands often and certainly before eating, and take care of ourselves as we go about our day-to-day lives. Thank You for loving us and watching over us. We trust You, as always, to meet our needs and care for us. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

Let’s eat.

The Ultimate Franchise

If you are one of the people who have been getting messages from me for the last few years, today’s message will seem familiar to you. For others, it may be the first time you are getting the word from this point of view. The lord wanted this message presented the very way I’m about to deliver it so fasten your seat belt.

Whether you realize it or not earth is God’s business. He has set up many franchises (churches) designed to send His representatives (Body of Christ) into the world to make known the best product ever given to mankind (JESUS). His branch managers (pastors) have been given the responsibility to teach and support those in the field. God’s goal is to establish a franchise in every nation, state, and city. It is the ultimate business because when you introduce someone to His product (JESUS), you receive a reward from the home office (Heaven). God has promised that His representatives will have all the tools and customer support needed to accomplish their strategic plans.

And He said unto them, How is it that ye sought Me? Wist ye not that I must be about My Father’s business? – Luke 2:49 KJV

Jesus knew that He was to be about His Father’s business. He knew He was sent to earth not to enjoy the pleasures of lowly man, but to accomplish a task for which He alone was sent. When He had accomplished His mission, He was to entrust this mission to other representatives into whom He poured His life for three years. This field training allowed Jesus to mentor, model, befriend, and demonstrate firsthand the model for a successful business to be launched and sustained.

God has big plans for His franchise. He wants every human being to partake of His product; however, even God knows that not everyone will. Nevertheless, this does not put a stop to His efforts in seeking to make it known among His audience.

You have been called to be part of the ultimate franchise.

How many new recruits have you been responsible for bringing into the franchise lately?

Quote of the Day

Our prayers lay the track down on which God’s power can come. Like a mighty locomotive, his power is irresistible, but it cannot reach us without rails.

Watchman Nee





Written by Glenn Sterrett, Founder and CEO of the GCKRS™ Helping Hand Foundation.

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