Glenn’s Meal 04-09-14

Good day to ya everyone. Oh give thanks unto the Lord for He is good yes He is good. The title and content of the meal today speaks volumes, so I’ll let it...

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Glenn’s Meal 04-08-14

Good day and praise the Lord for another day and another chance to do God’s work. The question now becomes, are you up to the task? On this day I’m thankful for Life...

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Glenn’s Meal 04-07-14

Good day everyone. Rejoice in the Lord always and again I say rejoice. Our focus in this journey is to have a relationship with the Father, Son and the Holy Ghost; how’s that...

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Glenn’s Meal 04-06-14

Good day everyone. Oh give thanks unto the Lord for He is good yes He is good and He is worthy of all our praise. As I sit here the enemy is trying...

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Glenn’s Meal 04-05-14

Good morning everyone. We woke up this morning only by the GRACE OF GOD. Let that grab you for a little while before you go any further with your chest all poked out...

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Glenn’s Meal 04-04-14

Good day to ya everyone. Oh give thanks unto the Lord for He is good yes He is good and He is worthy of all our praise. We have some good eatin this...

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Glenn’s Meal 04-03-14

Good day to ya everyone. The word “wings” dropped in my spirit so I went to the Old Testament to see what it had to say on the subject and I was not...

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Glenn’s Meal 04-02-14

Good day and thank the Lord for another day and another chance to introduce Him to somebody. As I sit here some realities hit my spirit. We as Christians read the bible to...

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Glenn’s Meal 04-01-14

Good day and rejoice in the Lord always and again I say, rejoice. You opened your eyes and stretched your limbs because of Him. You better praise Him! This is a message I...

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Glenn’s Meal 03-31-14

Good day to ya everyone. This is the day the Lord has made and we will rejoice and be glad in it. Brand new; never before seen. Use it to glorify the Father....

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