Good morning everyone. When I think about where I could be right now if it had not been for God’s grace I just want to shout thank you from the highest mountain. How...
Glenn’s Meal 09-16-13
Good morning everyone. Rejoice in the Lord always and again I say rejoice! What a wonderful day and a wonderful time to be a child if God. In our spiritual life, we must...
Glenn’s Meal 09-15-13
Good morning everyone. As I was sitting and thinking of the direction my life is going at the present time. I don’t want to wonder if I am straying from the path that...
Glenn’s Meal 09-14-13
It’s a good day everyone. I come to you this morning with revelation that we are more than conquers. The storms have come and gone and we are still standing. There are many...
Glenn’s Meal 09-13-13
Good morning everyone. The Lord is good and worthy to be praised. Every ounce of my being praises the Lord this morning. May he pour out a double dose of His spirit on...
Glenn’s Meal 09-12-13
Good morning everyone. Oh give thanks unto the Lord for He is good yes He is good and worthy of our praise. He woke us up this morning and started us on our...
Glenn’s Meal 09-11-13
It’s a good day everyone. Oh give thanks unto the Lord for He is good yes He is good. As you read the message today, insert your name everywhere you see the name...
Glenn’s Meal 09-10-13
Good day everyone and praise the Lord for another day on the path that leads to Him. I was sitting back listing to the rain come down with my eyes closed a few...
Glenn’s Meal 09-09-13
Good morning everyone. Today I’m going to share some information from a discussion I had with a group of pastor friends of mine where I asked the question; how is your congregation doing...
Glenn’s Meal 09-08-13
Good morning everyone and praise the Lord for this very moment and every one He gives us going forward. I thought it was strange that the single word “encounter” dropped in my spirit...